Safety first
We promise safe and accident and injury-free environments for workers, customers, the environment and the public. Our safety policy creates a safe condition throughout ALMUBARAKIA GROUP, at all safety levels and in all activities.
Quality assurance
We will set a culture of greatness at each level and will build up and keep up a distinguish administration perfection by doing it right the first time.
Reliability, integrity & obligation
We will act with honesty and decency in all parts of our business and will be capable agents, creating the greatest return to our proprietors, our personnel and our partners
Understanding that the ability and hardworking attitude of our staff are the are the keystones of our reputation and success, we will implement training, self-motivation and talent advancement over Al Mubarakia Group.
Customer satisfaction
We will be approachable and proactive in the interest of our clients, acting as partners, conveying value to them and meeting their objectives
We will outbreak self-assuredness and encourage the enhancement of new and inspired preparations in order to achieve the anticipated targets.
Mutual appreciation
Our worksites and headquarters are cooperating systematically with the spirit of mutual appreciation and positive interaction to encouraging everyone.